To quit smoking is a huge challenge for a smoker. According to WHO, three of four smokers in the world are constantly thinking of quitting smoking, but only 4 % of attempts are successful. We present to you the top tips that might help you kick the habit of smoking.
1. Ask yourself why?
You will need powerful motivation and a personal reason to effectively quit smoking. Do you want to live healthier? Would you like to free yourself of addiction? Do you wish to spare your loved ones the risks associated with indirect smoking? Do you want to continue enjoying life with your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for years to come? Find an answer that makes you think each time you feel like lighting a cigarette.
2. Start with baby steps
All people are different and there are those who believe that simply deciding they would stop smoking next morning is the best method. And while this does prove effective in some, such a decision can lead others to disappointment. Try to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke and slowly get your body used to a reducing amount of harmful substances. This will also reduce the severity of your abstinence or cast it away altogether.
3. Seek support in your loved ones
Let your partner and friends know about your decision. After all, their support can prove highly beneficial for your success, especially whenever you feel like lighting a cigarette. Be aware that your loved ones are highly motivated to help you quit smoking, so they will take your side and help you on this journey. It can also help to enroll in organized support groups or find a therapist. As little as a few sessions can be helpful.
4. Abstain from alcohol
Most smokers who have relapsed from abstinence back to smoking list alcohol as one of the main contributing factors. All smokers know how dangerous the combination of alcohol and smoking is, so it is essential that you pay special attention to it. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up alcohol altogether, but I still advise that you drink moderately, especially in the starting phase of your withdrawal.
5. Become aware of your habits
Try to become aware of when, where and on what occasions you feel the need to smoke a cigarette. Is it related your morning coffee? Does it involve smoking before meetings to calm your nerves? Is it to relax after an exhausting day at work? Try keeping a diary of your smoking for one week, jotting down when you really do it for pleasure and when you only do it out of habit or to calm your nerves. Determine which cigarettes throughout the day you could skip easily, and which ones you find more problematic.
6. Relax
One of the main reasons why we smoke is the fact that it relaxes us. However, there are a number of different methods that can help us achieve the same effect. Try to replace your evening cigarette with 5 minutes of meditation. Close your eyes and dedicate the time you would otherwise spend on smoking to focusing on your breathing, body and thoughts. Your partner will be happy to compensate for your evening cigarette by giving you a foot massage. Try to replace smoking with other pleasurable moments.
7. Reward yourself
You will soon start noticing that reducing or quitting smoking also has highly positive effects on your wallet. Have you quit smoking a month ago? Then you’ve saved EUR 200. Have you quit smoking a year ago? Then you are richer by nearly three grand! You undoubtedly deserve a reward, and I can guarantee that you’ve never bought anything with as much satisfaction as you will when you buy something with the money you’ve saved by quitting smoking.